Kremlin: ‘Hysteria’ over Ukraine pilot blocks a resolution

Ukrainian pilot Nadezhda Savchenko sits in a glass cage inside court, in the town of Donetsk , Rostov - on - Don region , Russia, Tuesday , March 22 , 2016. The Ukrainian pilot who is charged with complicity to murder in the deaths of two Russian journalists in war - torn eastern Ukraine has arrived to court in southwestern Russia where the verdict in her trial is due to continue. Nadezhda Savchenko served in a volunteer battalion against Russia- backed rebels and was captured by separatist rebels in July 2014 before she surfaced in Russia

Kremlin: ‘Hysteria’ over Ukraine pilot blocks a resolution Kremlin: ‘Hysteria’ over Ukraine pilot blocks a resolution Reviewed by bloger on March 27, 2016 Rating: 5

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